Dear Resurrection Families,
First off, I just wanted to thank you for the gift of your children blessing our community at Resurrection Catholic School. It has been a challenging year in a myriad of ways, as we have been affected by many of the issues that are affecting our schools, both public and private, around the nation. And yet, as a staff we continue to be inspired by our work due to the gifts, talents, leadership, and faith your children bring to school each and every day.
Despite the challenges, we have been able to see growth in a lot of ways this first semester. We have seen tremendous growth in our students’ learning based on the results from our Winter Testing. We have seen students gain valuable enrichment experiences through field trips and in-school activities, with the most recent one being our annual trip to Nativity Parish School to celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. We have seen students build leadership skills, with our 8th and 7th graders taking valuable roles in mentoring opportunities offered at our school. And we have seen students grow in their faith, as we have seen a tremendous growth in altar servers and students receiving their first sacraments this fall.
We are blessed to have a strong community at Resurrection. We truly believe that by having a strong community here, we are building “disciples with hope to bring” who will not just strengthen our local community here in Kansas City, Kansas, but our greater Catholic Church as well. Thank you for all the sacrifices you make to send your kids here to RCS. We wish you a blessed Christmas season filled with joy and inspiration and we look forward to a successful spring in 2024!
God Bless!
Kevin O’Brien
Principal, Resurrection Catholic School