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  • Writer's pictureResurrection Catholic School

RCS: Providing confidence for the future

Written by Father Anthony Saiki

One of the great joys for me as I settle into my role at the Cathedral of Saint Peter has been getting to know Resurrection School. I have been so impressed by Mrs. Higgins, by the faculty and staff, and by the students and their families.

One of the hallmarks of Catholic Education is academic excellence, forming the minds of the young people to the best of our abilities. At Resurrection, I see all of our teachers working so hard to achieve this academic excellence, and our students embrace the knowledge that is being shared with them.

Beyond academic excellence, what makes a Catholic School truly excellent is its Catholic Identity, that is emphasis on prayer, the virtues, works of mercy, learning about Scripture, the Mass, and the Sacraments. Resurrection has a truly outstanding Catholic Identity. Whenever I visit a classroom, the students are so enthusiastic to share with me all they have learned in their religion classes, and how they can apply those lessons to their lives. Our students are so comfortable in asking questions about the Faith and show real passion for following the Lord.

I feel so extraordinarily blessed to be a part of the Resurrection community, a school that not only strives to form the intellects of our young people, but also their hearts. The education and the formation our students are receiving not only prepares them for the next levels of academic learning, but forms them to be disciples, young men and women who strive not only for success, but also for goodness and holiness as they strive to follow the Lord.

Our students have some amazing examples in their teachers. I have seen some of the most creative approaches to teaching, especially amidst the pandemic. I have also witnessed a dedication that is unparalleled in Mrs. Higgins and our faculty and staff. They have gone above and beyond to serve our young people.

While there is a lot of discouraging news in the world and we still face so many challenges because of the pandemic, we can look at Resurrection and be so hopeful about our future. Because of the work that is being done at Resurrection, I feel so much confidence that the future of our society and our Church is bright.

Father Anthony Saiki became the rector of the Cathedral of St. Peter (KCK) in 2019. He can often be found at Resurrection Catholic School, answering students' questions about the Catholic faith or just listening to their stories.

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